Swords & Soldiers is available in Europe and Australia in the Wii Shop Channel! All hail Aztecs! All hail Chinese! All hail Vikings! It is the completion of a cycle! Omega! Full circle!
This actually is our first released commercial title and we're proud of it beyond words. We hope this is just step 1 in a long journey. For us, one of the most exciting parts of making a game just begins: seeing how people like it. So far the response during development of the game has been great and we can't wait to hear how people feel about the game now that it's finaly out there. The first review is up on IGN and they awarded the game with an editor's choice award, omgbbq!!!11one.
We would like to thank all of the blog visitors for being patient with us, providing us with feedback and a good laugh here and there. Worthy of special mention are the playtesters, who contributed immensely to the realisation of Swords & Soldiers! Another roar goes out to Sonic Picnic, for breathing life in the sounds and music of the game and to U-trax for their outstanding translation! Wait a minute, you shouldn't be reading this! Get back to your Wii and kick some serious Realtime Sidescrolling Strategy butt!
Wohaaaa! Well done guys, congratulations on this huge achievement!
Keep it uppp!
Congratz guys, also a great first review!! Can't wait to get home and start playing!
Congratulations, I have been following your progress and I must say I spend a very enjoyable hour playing "Swords and Soldiers" last night. I hope you keep up the good work and hope to see more of this art style in future games. I think a beat'em'all using this art style would be amazing. Well done! v ^_^
Gratulations! I can't wait for tonights long playing session!
I have to tell you guys - I bought the game today, and i played multiplayer with my older brother. This is one of the most balanced games i've ever played, and it sure was fun. I was worried there wouldn't be much to do during battles, just send out troops and watch them fight. And boy was I wrong! It's one of my favourite wii games from now and on, and i'm only on the fifth level of the viking campaign. Good job Ronimo!
:-( I still have 2 wait till my Nintendo friend send S&S as gift, hope he's sending it very soon.
Can't wait for the US release! Hope it comes soon!
Heya, Ronimo guys! Greetings from Spain! :D
I got "Swords & Soldiers" today and I have been playing through the Viking campaign for the last four hours... and damn, I'm hooked! D:
So, I thought it would be nice to drop you a message to thank you for doing such an awesome game! I can't wait to see what you will be coming up with next! :D
Gefeliciteerd mannen!
Ik kom weer een keer langs met pwnage appelkanjers!
groeten van Ed.
Ed van de PU? Dat zou pas grappig zijn.
Koekje er bij? :P
Ik d8 er ook aan Mario xD
Gratz guys on release of S&S , may many people enjoy this beatiful game :P
Keep up
che kar mekoni ashlak englishe yad begeer kharekhoda
What he said?
Greetings from Australia!
Just downloaded the game, seems like great fun! Well done!
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